Florida Africana Studies Consortium
FLASC was founded with a grant from the Ford Foundation titled “Intersections of African Diaspora Knowledge Communities: The South Florida Model” in order to make South Florida an important site for African Diaspora knowledge exchange and production.
It has allowed us to engage the African Diaspora nationally and internationally to further articulate African Diaspora Studies, as a significant area of knowledge production and engagement. So far it has produced academic conferences and lectures, art exhibitions. It has also partnered with local Florida institutions and national and international institutions for this purpose.
African American Research Library and Cultural Center
Barry University (BU) – Africana Studies
Broward County Libraries (International Programs and Exhibits)
Florida Atlantic University (FAU) – Liberal Studies
Florida International University (FIU) – African New World Studies
Florida Memorial University (FMU) – Social Sciences
Miami Dade County Public Schools – Social Sciences Coordinator
Miami Dade College (MDC) – Social Sciences
University of Miami (UM) – Africana Studies
(with their institutional affiliations at the time)
Dr. Edmund Abaka, University of Miami
Dr. Keshia Abraham, Florida Memorial University
Dr. Heather Andrade, Barry University
Dr. Carole Boyce Davies, Florida International University
Dr. Kalenda Eaton-Donald, Barry University
Dr. Morris Johnson, Miami-Dade College (deceased)
Mr. Babacar M’Bow, Broward County Libraries
Mr. Thirlee Smith, Miami-Dade Public Schools (deceased)
Dr. Linda Spears-Bunton, Florida International University
Dr. Rose Thevenin, Florida Memorial University
Community African Diaspora Network
In addition to the academic component of our Consortium, we have already established relationships with community organizations such as Diaspora Vibe, an Art gallery focusing on show casing the art of the African Diaspora; the Old Dillard Museum, the African World Artists Collective (AWAC), Fanhm Ayisen nan Myami (Haitian Women of Miami); Ife Ile for their Baila USA Summer Initiative; Harambee, Inc. Some of these will also provide internship relationships, and in other cases we have collaborated with them to offer programs of relevance to the African Diaspora. Specifically the following collaborations have been realized:
- Marcus Garvey Lecture with Don Rico and Associates (Horace Campbell, Syracuse University)
- AWAC, an organization of local artists
- Diaspora Vibe Gallery, the presentation of Deb Willis, Photographer
- Fanm Ayisyen Nan Miyami for their annual Haitian Women’s Conference
- Ife Ile – Baila USA , summer African Diaspora Dance program (lecture, workshop, and performance)
- African American Research Library Fort Lauderdale ( symposia via International Programs, Broward Libraries)
- Old Dillard Museum (art exhibitions, book launches and other cultural programs).
- Nucleo Cultural Afro-Brasileiro (Salvador-Bahia) (film)